Länge: 02:04

We don't need any passports,
we don't need any states.
There is so much egoism
and ignorance we hate.

We don't need any borders,
no limits from within.
Hope should not be limited,
by the color of a skin.

161 - Fight your facist scum.
161 - Fuck your racist scum.
161 - Woohoo.
161 - United, straight and strong.

We don't need a world,
full of social seperation.
Fight the right and bash the fash,
fight every fucking nation.

Fuck your sharia
and fuck your KKK.
Equality and freedom,
forever AFA.

161 - Fight your facist scum.
161 - Fuck your racist scum.
161 - Woohoo.
161 - United, straight and strong.

161 - United, straight and strong.
161 - United, straight and strong.

AFA - Go!

United, straight and strong.

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